Recherche 411
E536b Objective and subjective Christ is to us (Alternate Tune) Classique
E38 Of all the gifts Thy love bestows Classique
E60 Of the Father's love begotten Classique
E271 Of the Spirit born in spirit Classique
E1123 Of the Spirit, born of Spirit Classique
E805b Oh, how I love this blessed Book (Alternate Tune) Classique
E994 Oh, how dark the night that wrapt my spirit round Classique
E1360 Oh, how glorious! Oh, how precious! Classique
E1258 Oh, how lovable, how precious Classique
E8058 Oh, loving wisdom of our God Classique
E1134 Oh, strengthen my spirit, Lord Jesus Classique
E581 On Thee my heart is resting Classique
E217 On that night of nights most solemn Classique
E223 On the table of Thy love Classique
E8712 One missing from the hundred sheep Classique
E1230 One new man is the Father's plan Classique
E1316 Our Bridegroom soon is coming Classique
E1324 Our God is a God of purpose Classique
E953 Our Lord is now rejected Classique
E1284 Our eyes have seen the vision Classique
E1305 Our faith to God-ward must in these days spread abroad Classique
E940 Passing through another week Classique
E63 Praise to the Holiest in the height Classique
E166 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Classique
E784 Pray to fellowship with Jesus Classique